Is anyone old enough - or old-fashioned enough - to still be using the Entourage email app that was part of Office 2008? And if so, have you been able to set up an iCloud email account? because I am failing dismally in my attempts to do this and have had to resort to using Apple Mail, which for my money is not a patch on the good ole ways - too clever by half!
In the end I gave up trying and have moved to use Mail full-time in the hopes that, like the arranged mareriage that it has turned out to be, we may learn to love each other in time.
Hi Michael this is a bit late. I don’t use apple mail on my iMac but my parents do. I use it on my iPhone because it’s there. There is another mail program free that I’ve used though not regularly and it works on iPhone and iMac. It’s called Spark. It’s quite nice and can handle different email accounts as well as delay sending or even recalling if done within a short time after sending. I like it’s user interface as well.
My husband on a PC machine (he’s not into Apple products and ever so set in his darling ways) Has started using eM client when his Microsoft program started misbehaving though I don’t think it is for Macs. Anyway, there are other choices besides these.
Spark looks good, though there were some negative comments - however, it requires OS X 10/.13 - and as I have an aged iMac I can't go higher than OS 11.6!