Lightroom 6 - Phase 1
Rick Churchill
Have just loaded Lightroom 6 from my DVD onto the new hard disc partition/volume which also contains another copy of MacOS Mojave in preparation for allowing the present partition to be upgraded to Catalina. I had to log into the Adobe site and even though I had been assured by an AUGWessex member I was pleasantly surprised that Adobe allowed me to run two copies. (Or is it the original plus one copy). Adobe made me change my password for some reason so I hastily fired up another computer to receive the email from an older talk talk address which I had used when registered.
The next stage involves where I want the catalogue and picture files to reside but at least I feel safe from accidentally updating the original partition OS to Catalina.
Before I proceed I would like to update Lightroom to the latest possible version. Does any one know where the update to 6.14 is lodged on the Adobe site or has it been removed?