I have made a number of new animated titles using Keynote which I want to add to the limited number that appears in the iMovies Title tab. Somewhere inside the Mac must be a titles library folder but I am unable to find it.
Because I haven't been able to find a link on the internet it may be that Apple have made it impossible to reach. Any ideas?
Can you not just put them into your library (as clips)? Probably unwise to to mess in any internal 'titles folder' if there's not a user interface provided.
Could do but at the end of a project I junk all the clips as these with all the rendering files for several projects start to build up to some serious Gbytes. I would rather call up all the possible titles in one place.
Anyway, I think I have just realised why I cannot put them with the others. The few that iMovie provide are customisable within iMovie whereas the ones I make in Keynote can only be customisable/remade in Keynote and then re-exported/imported.