Received a phone call today from a friend checking on my health because he hadn't heard from me for two weeks. I had sent him two emails in that time! On speaking to another friend, a member here, I found that two emails to him had not been received. I started using my iCloud email address about a month ago after two emails from my usual talktalk address had 'bounced'. I spoke to Apple support who suggested that I use iCloud. Have checked my iCloud email box on the web and all emails are there but some have not been sent! Help, I need reliable email.
Have just had a lengthy 'Chat' session with Apple Support. They got me to scan via Malwarebytes app. Four 'Threats' were found and hopefully dealt with! Have restarted and will be checking Mail tomorrow.
Interim report: From 17 emails sent yesterday, 6 were returned as "Delivery to the following recipients was aborted after 13.9 hour(s):
Another email sent yesterday was returned as: "The reason for the problem: 550 5.7.1 Mail from IP was rejected due to listing in Spamhaus XBL. For details please see".
Hadn't heard of 'Spamhaus' but their website calls it a 'Blocklist Removal Centre'.
Have sent emails to different addresses today, using both my TalkTalk address and the iCloud one. Two have replied as, 'message received'. Awaiting replies from others. Wondering if spam filters are causing the returns from some addresses.
This is still 'work in progress'.
I suspect that the IP address is the one given you by your ISP and it's been blacklisted by a mail server. It's possible to get yourself "unblacklisted" but it's an involved process which you may be better asking your ISP to do for you.
Thanks Mick, the latest situation today is: The email problem of messages bouncing back to me has been solved in three cases where friends have found my emails in their Junk boxes!
They should be able to sort that out today. All three are PC/Windows users!
Other friends who use PC/Windows are opening my emails as normal. Both my TalkTalk address and the iCloud one are working OK with them.
I am left with one remaining 'bouncer' and that is from the member of this group. I mentioned this in my last entry above. It's the one "rejected due to listing in Spamhaus XBL. Your comment about being blacklisted seems to fit that and I will explore further.
Update: Email just received from our member mentioned above: "I have also found your emails in my junk folder. I now have to re-teach my computer that they are not junk. I suppose by just moving them out of the junk folder."
Mick, could the 'blacklisting' mentioned be why my emails went into their Junk folders? Also is 're-teaching the computer' the action to take, with Macs and Windows?
Have contacted TalkTalk re blacklisting and their reply is:
I am unable to assist you with that as it is not your fault that when you are sending out emails but it is those that you send out emails too that need to reset their settings.
TalkTalk are correct that it's not your fault their spam/junk filter is too aggressive but your IP address is being blocked by a server. If you check here:
Thanks Mick. I see, "said the blind man". Didn't know about those sites until this problem came up. After friends 'fished out' my emails from their Junk folders Mail app is working well this morning. Phew what a relief!
This morning a sent an email to Lidl asking a question re a product they sell, only to be informed that an error had occurred and that a Spam Bot E-B009 had been found.
I hesitate to open my 'can of worms' again emails to a friend are still being returned as, 'undelivered - maximum retry reached after 13 hours'. Not returned as an error like Drew's. My friend has tried to unblock my address (not sure how) and restarted his (Windows) laptop. He can receive my text messages on his iPhone and iPad. He says he is receiving emails from other sources. His emails sent to me come through. My emails to others go through. Any suggestions for my end or his?
He will receive emails from people who are not (like you) blocked. His emails to you will come through as he's not the one blocked. Emails you send to others can get through if their email provider is not checking the server that's blocking you.
As I said in my first post, the simplest (?) answer is to get TalkTalk to get you unblocked or you could try it yourself - you could register for a free account at and follow the Delist An Address link. I cannot do it for you - it needs to be the person using that address. Or you could get TalkTalk to give you a different IP address.
Thanks Mick. I registered with and, on seeing the IP address in red, Clicked unlist. This brought the reply "You are not authorised to do this" or words to that effect. I then spent an hour plus on a chat line with TalkTalk. It was torturous, to put it politely! Best if I speak to you tomorrow.
I think this is a problem that TalkTalk will need to solve. The IP address that's being rejected is most unlikely to be Roy's, it will be TT's mail server as it attempts to deliver Roy's message. A 'Whois' on the problem address gives:
inetnum: -
netname: UK-AS9105
descr: Tiscali UK Ltd, Service Network
descr: ==========================================================
descr: Concerning abuse and spam ... Email [undisclosed email]
descr: e-mail to other addresses will not be dealt with.
You can see that lies within that range. Most likely someone has been spamming from TT or masquerading as TT whilst spamming.
I suggest an E-mail to tech support at TT since the problem will be well beyond the front-desk people's pay grade, hopefully they'll escalate it. Out of interest, the IP address allocated to an individual user's computer these days is very rarely an Internet address, it's usually an address on the ISP's network; they then provide your internet access indirectly using a protocol called NAT (roll on IP6 when this will get a little less complex).
I suggest an E-mail stating the problem and attaching the Spamhaus report. You can also attach the Whois report if you want but TT should recognise their own IP address (and if they don't then the message probably hasn't reached the right person yet 🤓). You're also due a small glow of self-satisfaction since getting the address unblocked will help all TT users.
Hi Tony - that's where we started! TalkTalk were singularly unhelpful. I've removed the IP address from one database and Roy now only(!) has problems sending to AOL addresses. It's still a work in progress/
Thank you for your comments Tony. I confirm that I now only have problems emailing to AOL addresses when using my TalkTalk ( My iCloud address now works on all addresses, thanks to changes made in my mail server settings. It appears to be AOL that has caused the problem, see: and
I have decided against taking the option on the last link and will use my iCloud address for AOL addresses.
I still think it's partly TT's responsibility to you as a customer (and, indeed, that's what AOL thinks: "To restore your ability to email AOL members, ask the administrator of your email domain to submit a request to the AOL Postmaster support team.").
I take Mick's point that they're unhelpful, that's why I suggested going the E-mail route and trying to bypass first-line support and get to someone who understands the issue. However, I understand that sometimes it's just easier to give in.
May I suggest that, from what I've heard, TT is one of the least competent ISPs; that may suggest a different solution!