Trying to download holiday photos from my iPhone SE, running iOS 12.2,the only images showing are three sent to me by friends. Image Capture shows that these are on iCloud. All the other photos on my phone are not on iCloud. How do I access them so that I can then download them (as I have done previously)?
Sorry for the imorecision. Yes, all the photos that I took on holiday (and a whole load more) can be viewed on my phone. Previously I have simply plugged the pone in to the iMac and Image Capture did the rest - though I did have yto select the folder in which the photos were to be stored. I have not knowingly activated iCloud for Photos.
Using iCloud in the Photos app on my iMac works well. All images taken on my iPhone SE automatically appear in the Photos app, according to date taken. I don't see any need to connect the iPhone to the iMac or to use Image Capture. I have the Photos app preferences ticked under iCloud.
The problem is that Image Capture can ONLY see four photos on my phone - a sudden increase - and these were sent to me by friends. It does not see the rest of the photos - a considerable number. Some of these have already been downloaded, and what I am trying to do is to download the most recent (from our recent holiday for the most part). I don't use iCloud for storage preferring to have image files on a hard drive (or two). The Image Capture app shows my iPhone, with the iCloud icon alngside it. Opening Photos on the iMac shows 12 photos, 1 from May 2014, 6 from August 2017, 1 from November 2017, all of which are mine and have already been downloaded, and then the four from friends.
Apple retains its mysterious ways. Going for one last try, I plugged my iPhone into the iMac, Image Capture dutifully launched and 'Voila"! All my photos showed and have been hastily imported to the iMac before Apple changed their
minds. One more mystery without an explanation?
Thinking about Lionel's suggestion, I can't see how a faulty connection would result in only showing some of the photos on the iPhone. Presumably it would be all or nothing?
In response to Michael's question about Lionel's suggestion, the answer is 'maybe'.
In the face of an intermittent fault in the connection, IC has to use a recovery strategy. We can only observe its behaviour: you may have characterised it as:
'If the connection fails, give up and destroy all evidence of having tried'.