
Printer Info Required

Avatar Mick Burrell
Does anyone have an HP Envy 5000 series printer?

I ask as a lady I know had an HP 6000 series printer and wants to print direct to Christmas card envelopes but as they are all non-standard (A5, A6 etc.) sizes, even though I helped her set up custom sizes in Contacts, the printer has its own set of paper/envelope sizes and refused to print on anything else despite what the Mac was trying to send.

Her supplier (Apple) very kindly agreed to take it back and replace it with something else - she's chosen the HP Envy 5030 - and I'm expecting it to have the same issue. I'm hoping someone has one and can confirm or deny this before I go to install it for her.

Re: Printer Info Required

Avatar Derek Wright
Try and persuade her to use sticky labels, trying to second guess Cristmas Card envelope sizes could be one of the reasons for Christmastide murders and suicides

Re: Printer Info Required

Avatar Mick Burrell
I've murdered her ;-)

No, no way she'll use labels but we've managed to fool the printer for several sizes by selecting a size it has that's near the envelope size (height I think). Next year she'll consult her printer and buy cards that fit!

Re: Printer Info Required

Avatar Derek Wright
Try her on transparent labels.

Re: Printer Info Required

Avatar Mick Burrell
Not come across those - possible I suppose, though she's now finished for this year.