iPhone questions

1. On the phone side, I've heard stories of poor coverage, calls being lost and not being able to hear it ring when in noisy surroundings.
2. As I understand it, as yet, there is no way of syncing with iCal. This is such a fundamental requirement, I can't believe Apple have not provided it. On a blog, I've read that the following works: Appigo’s “To Do” synced with Remember The Milk and integrated into Gmail (Firefox plug-in) and Google Calendar. Sounds a bit of a work up though.
3. Can you download pdf forms from the web.
4. Is there a facility or workround to connect to a printer?
5. Version 1 of Grafiti (the handwriting recognition software on the Palm) gives pretty fast data entry, but I've heard bad reports of the current version, so how fast is the on screen keyboard on the iPhone?