I would like to draw a simple outline of our patio and garden to scale, using my iMac and printer. Wondering if there is a suitable app already in OS 10.13.6 High Sierra or a low cost one in the app store?
Many years ago we had a talk on QCAD at the Fareham meeting.
The program was free but the manual had to be paid for.
This was the write up
"The first topic was given by David Teale on how he uses QCAD, an open source computer aided design product. David described his early experience of using cad in an industrial situation. Now he uses cad to help design dolls houses and other useful domestic design activity - for example kitchen layouts.
He showed how he would use a digital image to base the design on and how the QCAD product uses layers to enable different floors and levels of detail to be easily seen and used.
He recommended a book by Andrew Mustun called
�QCAD - An Introduction to Computer-Aided Design�
- no visible ISBN number so use Google to find out more."
Bit late here but don't underestimate Pages for simple drawings.
It can do simple shapes with different line patterns and fills along with arbitrary lines and curves. Everything reports its size, so you can set your own scale for scale drawings and objects can be set to auto-align.
I often go back to it (even though I have Affinity Designer) because it's quick and easy. A bit like MacDraw actually...