I did a Keynote presentation last week at a venue where my hosts assured me they had a remote 'clicker' as the computer terminal was at the back. Alas the clicker didn't work - 'Cannot recognise keyboard' was the gist of the message it sent me - so I got through by making strange gestures to my wife who sat at the back with our iBook. I suppose I will have to invest in my own remote control device! Any recommendations?
I think it cost about £25 - £30 and it has worked a treat for me and Keynote; apparently it will also work on some little known application called Power Point. They say it has a range of 60' but i haven't tested it beyond about 20' (still imperial measurements, see!).
Obviously many outfits will sell it and you could try Solutions in Bournemouth. They told me about it and were interested when I told them it worked perfectly.
It worked with square brackets, so that's the trick. I've got in a right mess trying to wotk out what of my stuff I can edit and at what stage it is cast in solid kilobytes. Any possibility of a 'fool's guide to discussions'?