My AUGW Membership Secretary email address is on both Mail and on Entourage on my iMac. I continue with Entourage as I have experimented with other email apps and still find it most capable without being over-complicated. I recieved an email from one of our members to the Memsec address. It came through straight away in Entourage yesterday morning. It has still not shown in Mail. A further puzzle with Mail is that the app icon in the Dock is showing 2 unread messages, but there are none listed - could it be that the missing email and another are these two and if so how can I make them visible?
Propblem partly solved - I am still not used to Mail's habit of grouping emails in a thread together and so missed seeing the incoming email. The other part opf the puzzle remains though!
Thanks for the post Michael and thanks for the reply Mick - this solves my earlier post: Re: "Messages in Mail not in date order". I have now turned off "Organise by Conversation" and have also turned on, "Sort by - Date". Instead of "From".