Delayed emails
John Nicholas
Sorry to ask a non-Apple specific query. It's rather a more general problem.Recently I have become aware that emails are not arriving in the usual instant or fairly quick timescale. As far as I am aware each of the senders have different ISP's.
Apple User weekly email for week commencing 4 March (therefore sent about 2 March) arrived 15 March.
Email from relative in East Sussex replying same day to my email of 12 March, arrived 17 March.
Email from coach trip provider replying to my email 27 Feb on same day, arrived 17 March.
Weekly email from a cinema-chain of 28 Feb arrived today 18 March.
No, they were not (languishing temporarily) in the spam/junk folder at my ISP.
The only common feature I can see is that their arrival all fell in a 72 hour window.
Is there a logical explanation for this other than " happens sometimes...." ??