Some years back I downloaded a free app, and another member of the Group has seen it recently and wanted to get it. However, it has now changed and though still free, is interspersed with adverts and, apparently, pictures of partially clad females (shock! horror!) Is there a way of transferrring the older version from my iPhone to theirs? Perhaps it could be done through iTunes, but I am not sure how that would work.
Could you transfer it to Files and email from there? (I think iTunes would only sync your phone or treat his as your new one and transfer all your data).
If you sync (or have synced) with an older* version of iTunes then there will be a copy of the app on your Mac. You can then sync with the new phone and use iTunes to load it by syncing from iTunes' list of apps 'not on this iPhone'.
*Current versions of iTunes don't provide app management, they assume that you'll go to the store as you tried. The current version is 12.7, you don't need to go much older as the removal is quite new but I forget which version exactly.