Don’t expect easy iPhone battery replacement effort even for reduced price

I had Apple support do a remote via internet diagnostic on my phone while I was at home because of the battery drain problems I’ve experienced on my iPhone 6S Plus since updating to iOS 11. The answer was my battery was rated ‘good’ but as I have had unusual severe drain after update they would set up an appointment for me to go to the Apple Store for the replacement battery that Apple is offering at a reduced cost to those affected. As I was soon to go to Florida to visit my parents, I made the appointment for the nearest Apple store to them. I was expecting that my phone would get a new battery when I went in at the appropriate time. But here’s my warning to anyone else going down this path… The phone gets another diagnostic at the Genius Bar counter. There I was told that yes the battery has less power (expected on a two-year-old phone). Yes Apple will replace the battery for me at the reduced price but they have none in stock, they do not know when they will get the next shipment which could take about three weeks time on average and when the battery comes in, they will contact me to come back into the store. I said but Apple previously diagnosed the condition of my iPhone before this appointment was set up! So that means two trips to this mall IF THE BATTERY COMES IN (they can do it while I wait, within 1 hr) and as I won’t be here in three weeks time all my advanced effort is in vain because I will have to start over in the UK, which means two trips to the Southampton Apple Store which is the closest to me (55 miles, 110 RT x 2!) to include parking charges and petrol paid for by myself! I did tell the Apple service advisor how I felt totally let down by Apple which I have never felt until this series of exercises AND that all of this was due to a fault not of my own making. So be prepared if you too want a replacement for your OLDER but perfectly suitable (to me) iPhone to go through more than expected. Or live with a charging stick as part of your pocket contents. Or buy a upgrade to a new phone!