Failing eyesight demands Email programs-with Dark type!
Georgia Cheer
My Mother's eyesight has become more problematic and in particular she thrives on her iMac reading emails, Pinterest and eBay BUT we changed her over to Apple Mail (from Entourage) as her email this year but that program uses TONS of grayed lettering, hidden commands (symbols in gray to forward, reply, etc) and the left 2 columns are NOT big type only when she clicks on a particular email will it open the email big enough to read on the right window. Does anyone recommend how to make the whole interface of Mail bigger and darker or...another email program that uses all dark type. This grayed out type with small symbols makes me frustrated too!Any simple ideas on making browser type bigger as I'm not real sure what boxes to tick in Accessibility. She is not good at remembering key commands for zooming but anyone who has ideas please inform!! :-)