Moving iMovie Library
Rick Churchill
I knew when I bought the Macbook that 256GByte SSD storage would be limiting as I was use to 1TByte but I couldn’t justify the price for the maximum 512GByte model. I moved off all my pictures and video on to a removable drive but when editing video I ran out of storage when I started rendering the video. The problem is that iMovie copies back the media to be used in editing into a library stored where the application resides i.e. the main computer.(I have Adobe Premier Elements which allows you to move cache files and the library off onto a separate drive but I have a software glitch which I cannot solve without replacing a file and as I haven’t been able to use my external DVD drive I cannot get to the file on the Adobe DVD)
1. How do other members edit their videos?
2. I am moving my music files (about 80GBytes) but I seem to remember last time I did this I encountered a problem with using music in another app but I can’t remember what it was.
3. Am I right that I cannot make one flash drive with the video on it to take round to friends to show on their PCs or Macs (the video being well over 4GByte) with the Mac, as Macs cannot write NTFS and PCs cannot read OS ext. I could transfer it to a PC via an external drive then write it to a flash drive formatted to NTFS which both PCs and Macs can read.
(Sorry I cannot attend on Tuesday)