The significance of ping
David Fleetwood
When I recently had a moan at my ISP about periods of very slow internet speed, one test they got me to do was go into Network Utility and send some pings. The result was 100% packet loss - I'm not entirely sure what that means but it didn't sound good. I think largely because of this, they sent me another router and guess what - I run the same test and still get 100% packet loss! I understand a ping is a test signal which is bounced off a transmitter and the shorter the ping time the better as it indicates a higher speed of transmission but beyond that what does my loss, presumably of the return ping, tell us? My broadband is still working reasonably well most of the time.I'm on a basic fibre package but not super fast fibre. I believe I should get around 24 mb/s but usually it runs around 17 -19 mb/s when the system is not on a go slow - I've yet to see whether I get the periodic slow periods with the new router. Any comments to help my understanding would be appreciated.