not one to complain

having done an awful lot of work over the last two years, preparing fourteen books with Affinity Designer on my Mountain Lion machine, and having received an email from Af Des some months ago about all the projected improvements they were going to make, and having replied to that email stating that I hoped they weren't going to b*gger it up like Apple are so prone to do; and having had a reply to the effect that, "Don't worry Eric, we're not that stupid, we are not Apple"I was a bit surprised to find that when I used the new version of the app on my new Mini which has 133% of the RAM on the old one, plus of course, the inestimable virtue of running Sierra, it did not seem to be any faster. I put that down to my own imagination, knowing what decent types I was dealing with, ha ha. I had finished off the first three titles on the new Mini, although most of the work had originally been done on the old one, but seemed to have been imported into the updated app successfully. On Saturday I started work on the latest book using the latest version of the app on the new machine only to find when I'd spent all day on it that AfDes refused to allow me to use the typeface I wanted, Avenir Next Medium 12 on 15pt, but instead insisted on my using some crummy Apple font. So I restarted on the El Capitan drive which had the intermediate update of AfDes and found much the same thing; I could select the right typeface and change the leading to 15pt, but only until I let go of the mouse button, when it reverted to what IT wanted me to use! So I fired up the old banger on Mountain Lion with the original version of AfDes and everything now worked as it should, except that the guides could only be positioned to two decimal places, but I found a workaround for that. And it was much faster in operation! My question therefore is, can I partition the drive on the new Mini and install Mountain Lion on it?