I have to submit information, which I have on a 'Numbers' spreadsheet, to a company online as an Excel file format (.xls or .xlsx) document. Is this possible and if so, how is it done please?
Supplementary question: How are zeros retained as the leading number in a 'Numbers' spreadsheet? eg. 004356789. Using Numbers '08 version 1.0.3 with El Capitan version 10.11.6.
After kicking your question about leading zeros around and finding no help from Apple forums I experimented.
If you highlight the cells and click the cells tab on the top right (I would prefer this to be under the format menu but what has logic got to do with it). Under Data Format select Numeral System and change Places to how many digits you wish to display including leading zeros.
Sometimes it is not possible to find the information required because the programmer uses an unfamiliar name so I stopped searching for "Format cells - leading zeros" and searched instead for "places" within "Numeral system" or "Data Format". Unfortunately I still got nowhere!