I picked up this thought from the thread on "How do I create a new email address?". Having received spam emails for months, via TalkTalk, and sent copies with 'Message Headers' regularly to TT to no avail, I need to try to stop them myself. I think I have seen this topic before so if anyone could point me to it I would be grateful.
Following a phone call from Mick and a chat with TalkTalk tech support, I have bought the "Mailbox Manager' app (£10.99) from the App Store and will see how things go with this.
I used to get hundreds of spam emails from (I imagine) the time when yahoo was hacked, mainly from young ladies who couldn't speak English very well, but who somehow knew that I am very attractive. I never dared to open them, but now they've stopped arriving I kind of miss deleting them.
I had a spam E-Mail last week that started "Hello Dear". Sadly it was from PayPal telling me that my account had a "breach" - their standards are really slipping in the spelling and layout stakes too.
Now where did I put my PayPal password so I can verify my "informations"...
Hope you checked the sender's address Tony! Btw, I like using Mailbox Manager. I can now delete the spam messages without opening them and before they reach the inbox.