I have Java (with the steaming coffee-cup logo) installed on my iMac and keep being prompted to update it. I can’t remember why I installed it but my question is whether I still need this? A Google search on the question produces contradictory answers and go on a lot about PCs and security as being of concern.
Hi Wayne, this may be because you are using, or have used, Adobe InDesign CSx or some other software that relies on Java for full function. Apple also offer a basic Java for similar purposes, but the up to date Oracle one is recommended for good security. The current version is Java 8, Update 111.
If you have Java installed you will find a panel in your System Preferences. Click on this to check whether you are up to date and to set up automatic updates as well.
You can find the appropriate Java files on Oracle's website here.
Wayne, you should ensure that Java is kept up to date. Probably because of its cross-platform (Windows and Mac) nature and its age, it is a frequent target for malware. It is not a bad thing in itself, just a target.
I think you may find it blocked by macOS if you let it get too far out of date (same as Flash, Apple labels versions known to be attacked as too dangerous to be allowed to run).