A most curious thing Gentlemen; for a few weeks now Firefox has been misbehaving. Every few minutes it will hang there giving me the SBOD, and leering like a wilful child asking for a slap. No such request has ever been refused but I don't know how to do it in electronic terms. I also have a French copy of Firefox, which corrects my spelling without trying to Americanise it, and this one behaves itself perfectly. They are both Version 48.0.2 but the French one is 1.6 MB smaller. I'm running Mountain Lion 10.8.5
Any ideas?
Eric, I'm guessing, but as you're running an older OS do you have a Safari older than the latest v10? I don't think Apple will keep updating Safari to run on anything older than Yosemite whereas Mozilla will with Firefox for a while hence you may find up-to-date Firefox can cope with some things out of date Safari can't.
Apart from that, it may just be that you prefer the look and feel of Firefox - nothing wrong with that.
Can you not update OS X? I thought there were few Macs (none?) that could run Mountain Lion that wouldn't run Mavericks.
The benefits of updating, apart from new features, is that you get better compatibility with current apps and a refresh of security fixes. You might also get compatibility with later versions of FF and perhaps a newer version of Safari too ;-)
My Macs will only run Lion and no further, which is a bit disappointing because Lion has a few niggles which were corrected in Mountain Lion, but I cannot run Mountain Lion so have to live with the niggles until my ancient premium bonds finally come to the top of the heap.
Yes, it's not been a great run of quality since Snow Leopard. Yosemite is a bit better than Mavericks.
At the moment I'm fingers crossed on Sierra. It's the best ".0" for quite a while - I didn't think some of the others should ever have been allowed out of Beta :-(
I suppose that, when Apple decided that Mac OS should adopt an annual update cycle in line with iOS practice, it was always going to take them time to adapt to this new rapid fire routine. It would be nice to think that they might now be getting the hang of it, but I do wonder whether we would do better to update towards the end of the cycle rather than forever rushing to adopt the newest, therefore least tested, version.
Many years ago when I planned to start a business I read a book on the subject. It posed the question, 'What is the object of a business?'Silly old me was thinking things like, To serve the public, etc. etc. but when I turned the page I was shocked to find that the anwer was, 'To make money'. I think Apple are familiar with this concept and are taking it to ridiculous extremes.
Its not so much Firefox, its ****** yahoo mail. I got fed up with the pair of them just now and used Safari.
Which had me tearing my hair out! I was writing in French and the stupid thing kept autocorrecting every other word to an English one!!! There appears to be no way of turning that feature off. GRRRRR.
Hi Eric, off-topic, but re. typing in French: apart from turning off spelling auto correction in the application, you can change the dictionary to French word spellings by visiting System Preferences > Keyboard > Input sources and adding the French keyboard option. Problem is, your Mac will assume you are using a French keyboard which will be awkward unless you have such a keyboard lurking about (see Keyboard Viewer).
Dictionary preferences only permits choosing various language reference sources and ordering their priorities. You could change your Mac to the French macOS which is easy, but there would still be the keyboard to wrestle with. Try entering System Language in Mac Help.
It would be lovely if one could turn on French spell checking without having to use a French keyboard layout, but it seems you can't.
Hi Euan, French keyboards are radically different so I daren't do that. Safari 6.2 seems to have no option for turning off auto correct so I'm snookered!
Ah well, c'est la vie!