Fascinating problems with Tiger and Norton

The first problem I had installing Tiger is that it took two hours forty minutes, which is definitely over the top. I think I've cracked this one because when I came back from making a cup of tea it was installing printer drivers for every printer on Earth made during the last twenty years, then went on to install so many languages it made my head spin watching it. These included Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese, which I imagine must be the Chinese equivalent of Pidgin English! I'm guessing that I only need it to know the languages I can actually speak. I suppose that when it offered me the choice between a Basic installation and a Custom installation I should have chosen the Custom; Silly me for thinking that 'basic' meant basic rather than 'exhaustive and time consuming'. Mind you, it still fires up extremely fast compared with OS 9. The problem I had with Norton System Works probably arose from my not reading the instruction book first, which of course serves me right, but it looks so boring. I installed from the OSX icon, pressed 'Update everything now' (which took ages as it's three years old) and then thought that there were bits of Norton on my other (OS 9) hard drive that were not on this one, clicked on another folder that I thought must contain various odds and ends from which I could make a selection, at which point it instantly installed the OS 9 version as well.
I can of course sort these problems out by reformatting the drive and starting again, but it's very irritating. Oh dear oh dear oh dear.