For Sale Mac Pro Early 2008 Model identifier 3.1

It is a standard 2008 Mac Pro 3.1 with two 2.8GHz Xeon 5400 processors total of 8 cores - look at the Mactracker program to see the spec of the machine.
The graphic card has been upgraded to a ATI Radeon HD 5770 with 1024 MB, this graphic card can support the Apple 27” monitor.
This card was introduced in the 2010 model of the Mac Pro.
The original ATI Radeon HD2600T with 256MB of GDDR3 memory will also be supplied.
No WifI, only ethernet connectivity
Memory 18GB
Storage this machine has 4 internal disc drive trays plus to e-SATA sockets so an additional two drives can be added for high speed access - useful for updating drives to be moved offsite for back up. Maximum data storage has so far been found to be 6 times the size of the maximum SATA drive available (so far)
No keyboard, mouse or monitor with this machine, is packed and shipped in the original Apple supplied shipping cartons.
Software - OS X El Capitan version 10.11.3
Will deliver by negotiation ie about 2 hours driving from Petersfield.
Looking for £599
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