
Deleting images on an iPhone 4s

Avatar Roy Rainford
I need to create space on my iPhone 4s for more images and want to delete those on there at the moment. Is there a way of deleting images in bulk or do I have to delete one at a time?

Re: Deleting images on an iPhone 4s

Avatar Mick Burrell
This is how if you're using iOS 9 (you don't say) - if you're using an earlier OS it may be the same, it may not.

Make sure you're looking at Photos, NOT albums. Tap Edit at the top of the screen. Tap each photo you want to delete then tap the bin icon.

Do you have Photostream turned on? If so, just turning it off may remove those photos for you.

Re: Deleting images on an iPhone 4s

Avatar Roy Rainford
Thanks Mick. Yes I am using iOS 9.2 and have now deleted the photos. I have also switched Photostream off.

Re: Deleting images on an iPhone 4s

Avatar Roy Rainford
A WAMUG member sent me a link which describes how "Image Capture" can be used for the clearance. It's a good solution if you want to transfer images from the iPhone to the desktop. See: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH17894?locale=en_US