Andy Prendergast has a couple of amusing tests to check out our skills using pages which we will include in the meeting on Tuesday 8th December. Here are links to have a go in advance of the meeting.Secret Message in Pages and Three Blind Mice.. Have fun!
Can you tell us what we're supposed to discover - or at least how many things? I've discovered a message (and other things) but of course I don't know if I've finished.
I've completed the mice one with two mouse clicks and two key (combination) presses. Is that good?
In the first document Andy has hidden one or more messages - I won't say how many. On the second which I have not tried myself I suspect your speedy solution would get first prize if there were prizes!
There was no "correct" answer - it was a way for us to offer different suggestions as to how we could complete the task.
My solution was to click and drag the mouse over the correct result, then use cmd>c to copy it, click and drag over the incorrect version then cmd>v to paste :-) Not exactly what Andy was looking for but hey, whatever you want to do on a Mac there are half-a-dozen ways of doing it!