At the Salisbury meeting yesterday the subject came up about Freeway Pro web design application. I mentioned that it was available as a bundle for $39. Even if you have no use for the other applications, it’s still cheaper than buying it as a standalone purchase.
Is there any evidence that this is legitimate? It sounds too good to be true to me.
I stand corrected. Softpress (the Freeway people) tell me:
"The bundle is from Creatable, and it’s fine to use. I think the way it works is that a certain number of codes are given to them, and once they have been sold in that bundle, it will appear as out of stock ... shouldn’t have any problems as long as he is picking up Freeway from the Creatable bundle here <>"
I got a similar deal for much the same price, which included Freeway Pro and Toast from a similar outfit called MacLegion in the States. All seemed legit to me and both apps recognised the Registration and Serial numbers, they supplied.
MacBundles seem to have connections with MacUpdate which do a similar deals with different bundles. Watch their video on: