I have saved a spreadsheet as a pdf but can't find it! It doesn't show in a Spotlight search. Where could/should it be? I need to send the spreadsheet via email to a PC user so what is the best format for this please?
I am using OS 10.9.5 and Numbers'08. Roy
You're right with sending a pdf. if you can't find it, it may well have saved to iCloud Drive. Open another spreadsheet and just enter something in one cell then try to save and look closely at where it's intending to save it - that's probably where it saved the last one. You can then cancel and delete this dummy sheet.
Thanks Mick. Correction- I exported the document as a pdf not saved because I couldn't see where to save it. Going through the exporting procedure again it seemed to be saving it to com.apple.iWork.Numbers but can't find that. By exporting it again to the desktop it appeared there. It has now gone via email so all is well. Thanks again. Roy