I have processed two images in Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 and 'Saved as' to the Desktop on my iMac, running OS 10.9.5. They show up in Adobe Bridge as separate images on the Desktop but the thumbnails don't show on the desktop. This is my normal work flow so this is a mystery, perhaps a 'Senior moment' but where could they be?
After a 'Shut Down' and 'Restart' the two thumbnails appeared on the desktop. However on trying to open them in Bridge and in Photoshop I get this message: "Could not complete your request because a JPEG marker segment length is too short (the file may be truncated or incomplete)." On trying to open the original PSD images this message appears: "Could not complete your request because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered." It seems that the images have been damaged in some way making them unusable.
Is everybody on holiday? Roy, just to stop you feeling as if nobody else cares, for what it’s worth, I offer this. I used to get the “end-of-file was encountered” occasionally with Quark. Apparently it is a corrupt file. The annoying thing is, that it appeared to me, that the corruption was created by the program itself. I never managed to overcome the problem, but as Quark has a very nice autosave facility, I always managed to find a recent version to continue with. So, not really an answer to you problem, but at least you can feel assured you’re not alone.
On Google, I find that from CS6, Photoshop has an Autosave facility (how many years does it take Adobe to catch up with Quark?). Might be worth investigating.
Thank you for your comments John which are much appreciated. Interesting that you experienced similar messages in Quark. The CS6 Autosave would be useful but with my low level usage these days I can't justify upgrading. 'Elements' will do what I need so I could go onto that if the above problem keeps occurring. However it's the first time I have experienced it and I am conditioned to 'Save' or 'Save As' so 'fingers crossed' for future Photoshopping. Thanks again, Roy.
If I said that the files were broken, that wouldn't help would it!
The 'JPEG marker segment length is too short' means exactly as reported that "the file may be truncated or incomplete" - the app trying to open the image found that some of it was missing so gave up. That's consistent with the 'file empty' error you saw. Did you check the file length using Get Info in the Finder? If it's zero then that's never encouraging.
The cause is likely a glitch when creating the files (the Save As). Since it's not repeatable, it's hard to diagnose. If you know when it happened (to a fairly exact time), you could look in your system log (via the Console app) and see if Photoshop logged anything; it's a painful job if you don't have the time it happened but you can just skim read looking for Photoshop or Bridge's name. I wonder if a Bridge crash is invisible to the user, PS may just restart it?
You can also check the usual suspects: how full is the disk? Do you have a lot of files on your desktop? Are you (were you then) short of RAM? I would only worry if it keeps happening - just check your exported files after export for a while to be confident that they're OK.
Thank you Tony. My iMac has 550 GB available, I doubled the RAM to 8 GB after your last diagnosis and I had just a few files on the desktop so I will opt for your suggestion to only worry if it keeps happening. Whilst I have the time to look in the system log I definitely don't have the inclination to do a painful job! I will check the exported files though. Thanks again, Roy