

Avatar Joy Surtees
At the recent Salisbury meeting, I mentioned that Autocorrect kept changing our email addresses when keying them in. Part of one of my addresses is “moreprint” Autocorrect changes this to “more print” meaning I have to delete the space every time. Part of one of Joy’s email addresses is “joytees” which always gets changes to “joy less” which is certainly not the case, space or no space! After a bit of discussion at the meeting, the solution struck me. In Preferences go to Keyboard, then Text and there, put in a keyboard shortcut under the “Replace” “With” facility. I had completely forgotten this option. It just shows, the value of being able to talk thing out with others.

Doug at the meeting, you mentioned the red line under some words when keying. This is controlled per Application under the Edit menu “Spelling and Grammar” settings. It gives the option to either auto correct a bad spelling, or, as in your case, put a red line under the words to self check later.

Re: Autocorrect

Avatar John Surtees
As you may have guessed, I wrote the above. Note to self, make sure to log-in with own profile.