Damaged Document
Roy Rainford
I finished processing an image in Photoshop CS5.1 and saved it as a PS document of 29Mb. I then attempted to 'Save as' a jpg document to the desktop. The image 'froze' so I did a 'Force Quit' of PS and tried to reopen in PS which failed. Then tried to open the image in PS Elements which failed. Tried a Restart of the iMac (OS 10.9.5) but it failed so I Shut Down with the power button. After a few minutes I restarted and opened the image in PS but it was badly damaged. I tried to open it in PSE again and this time I got this message popping up: "This document has been damaged by a disk error. The most likely causes are a defective disk drive, a defective disk drive cable or incorrect peripheral cable termination. Some of the pixels in this document may be invalid." Well they certainly are with bands of yellow and blue pixels across what was a mono image. It's unusable but the question is what is the best action to take about the fault? I suspect an aspect of incompatibility between PS CS5.1 and Mavericks because I have been experiencing similar crashes since installing this OS. I don't want to update PS since it means a subscription to Adobe so perhaps will try PSE in future.