There have been several postings on LMUG's discussion forum regarding the effecrt of Yosemite on slowing down various browsers. Has anyone experienced that in WAUG and of so have they found a solution?
According to Apple Safari v8 is a good deal faster than any other browser, so the problem may be elsewhere in the setup. Here Safari v8 is faster under Yosemite. What I have noticed is that there is a second or so pause after the first screenful has resolved before the rest of the page(s) follow.
Yosemite's version of Safari appears to have a serious memory leak triggered by certain web pages. I haven't been able to pin down which ones though...
The symptoms I (and others) have had is that Safari consumes an ever increasing amount of RAM. It first becomes noticeable when Safari has claimed most of the computer's Ram, when everything starts to slow down severely as Mac OS tries to find more memory (by swapping to disk).
You can diagnose this by launching Activity Monitor and selecting the Memory tab. If you have the problem, you will see Safari (or perhaps one of its sub-processes) taking a bigger and bigger amount of memory. Work-round is to quit and restart Safari though the problem seems to recur randomly.
Apple briefly released, then withdrew, a Safari update earlier this week. Hopefully that contains a fix and will reappear shortly.