I have three images all taken by the same camera, in Raw format, in a folder entitled 'Prom' on the desktop. One image has the abbreviation CR2 which is normal & this can be opened in Photoshop Elements 4 & 6. The other two images have somehow picked up the name of the folder & their abbreviations are both CR2Prom. They can't be opened in PSE. In 'File Properties' I find that the 'Document Kind' is 'Unix Executable File'.
Does anyone know this file type, how it might have got there & how to open such files or modify them?
By abbreviation I take it you mean file extension, eg; filename.cr2 ?
CR2 is a propriety naming format for RAW files created on Canon cameras. If I read correctly, you have files with the extension .CR2Prom. If this is correct, I'm not sure how this happened, but you can rename the extension back to CR2 by highlighting the file name and just retyping. This should then open in your image editing software.
Thanks Terry. Yes you read correctly & you even know what brand of camera I use! I have now changed the extensions back to CR2 & hey presto they open in PSE! It's magic. I don't know how 'Prom' got there but who cares - they now work. Many thanks.