iPhone 6 is now mine!

I'm in Florida visiting my parents. The Apple Store says they have no iPhone 6 or 6 Plus. The Plus is the one that is harder to get as the manufacturing is more delayed than the 6. I didn't want to wait, so I bought off Ebay. It was a bit worrying not because of getting one, many people are selling them, it was more would I receive it. I therefore bought from a very well reviewed seller and I got my 64 gb Gold iPhone 6 on a Friday from the auction close Monday evening. I'm excited to use it, will sync it when I return home. My husband said it can be my combined birthday and Christmas gift. And I will sell my current iPhone 4S 32gb in when I return. The new phone is very lightweight and I'm excited to start using iOS8. On another note I bit the bullet and joined Facebook. ;-)