Can anyone tell me how to reduce the resolution of images on the iPad? The photos are 180ppi and I want to email them at 72ppi to reduce the file size but can't see a way of doing this without taking them into Photoshop (or Elements) and resizing there. I can crop the images on the iPad but not reduce the res.
Thank you John. Had a look and found some reviews were less than favourable. However after viewing alternatives I downloaded this: which allows me to resize individual images. Your link was helpful in finding the app required so thanks again. Roy.
Hi I use Graphic Converter (which is a free program) specifically to reduce photos for the web. It has a Batch feature that allows you to reduce all photos in a folder you tell it, to the size you tell it, to place in a folder after it does it that you specify and give each photo an altered name, extension, prefix of your choosing. Once you set up those parameters, it does it rather instantly, like magic. The program has been around for a long time, and does have upteem features, amazing as it is free (shareware). But you do have to do the resizing on your computer so this may be of NO help!