Hi have an ageing iMac and am thinking of changing it for a MacBook Pro and using a separate screen as necessary. How does one get on with ancient software as I use Adobe CS3 Suite amongst others with the newer Macs? Is there anyone out there would like to take my iMac over (dated 09/2007) but running well.
I think that for any important software you should check on the author's web site that there's a Mavericks compatible version. Many may not need an upgrade or if they do it may be free but I suspect that CS3 would have to be paid for if needed.
By-the-by: the mid-2009 iMac will run Mavericks (as you know) and started out with 10.5 (some of them even with 10.4.10) should you need to "de-grade" to suit your software. It may need a firmware update 1.3 if that hasn't been done.
Adobe has made Creative Suite 2 downloadable for free installation, and that may interest someone thinking of taking on your iMac while you preserve your CS3 licence.
CS 5.0 runs with Mavericks just fine. I don't know what the upper OSX limit is for CS3, I doubt it stretches much beyond Snow Leopard, but Adobe will tell you. Be aware of the Creative Suite Cloud subscription model, you only get to use it if you pay the monthly sub.
I'm happy to give your iMac a blissful home if the world rejects it, reach me through any committee member.
Photoshop CS3 (and, AFAIK, the other CS3 apps) works just fine under Mavericks- as long as you remember to deactivate the install on the old Mac you'll have no bother running it on the new one.