
The association shall be called Apple User Groups Wessex, occasionally abbreviated to AUGW, shall hereinafter be referred to as the Group.


The objectives of the Group shall be to foster and promote interest in, and understanding of, all aspects of Apple Macintosh computers and other Apple products among members of the Group; through the convening of meetings, discussion groups, workshops and on-line discussions as the Committee shall from time to time determine.


The Group shall be structured as a close association of Area Groups who shall serve local Apple Mac users according to the common objectives and membership conditions of the Group.


A Member shall be any person who adheres to this constitution and who pays subscriptions at the appropriate rate as determined by the Committee.

Membership is open to all who are interested in Apple products within the Wessex area, which includes; Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon, Dorset & Hampshire. Membership from adjoining counties may be permitted on an ad hoc basis.

Cessation and Withdrawal of Membership: Ordinary membership shall cease if any subscription shall not be renewed within two months of it becoming due, provided that any person may be permitted to rejoin by decision of the Committee on paying the appropriate subscription. Any member who brings the Group into disrepute may have their membership withdrawn by the Committee.

Non-members may participate in the activities of the Group upon payment of a fee if any, which shall from time to time be set by the committee as will the number of visits allowed.

Honorary Members

The Committee may, at its discretion, appoint Honorary Members, who either by virtue of long experience of Apple Mac computers or particular expertise, have a special contribution to make to the running of the group.

The number of Honorary Members of the group shall not exceed six at any one time and the Committee shall not designate more than three Honorary Members in any one calendar year. The Committee may, at its discretion, withdraw the privilege of Honorary Membership.

Management Committee

The management of the Group and control of its assets shall be vested in a Committee consisting of a Chairman, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster and the Local Area Organisers. The committee may also co-opt up to six members as detailed above at any Committee meeting, four Committee members shall form a quorum. No less than two Committee meetings shall be held in each twelve month period, one of which shall be the AGM. In the absence of the Chairman at any Committee meeting, the Committee may appoint, for the duration of that meeting, a Deputy Chairman from amongst its number.

Appointment of Committee

The Committee (except the area organisers) shall be elected, from amongst Group members, at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) and shall remain in office until the next AGM. Pending the next AGM, the Committee may co-opt other members of the Group to fill any Committee vacancies and any other function they deem to be needed from time to time.

Local Area Organisers

The local area representatives shall be chosen by attendees at their area meeting in any manner they see fit. Local area meetings can take whatever form is consistent with the objectives & ethos of the Group.

Powers & Duties of the Committee

The committee shall have full powers to do such acts and things necessary for the successful operation and better management of the Group.

Absence from Committee Meetings: If any Committee member is absent, without explanation, from more than two consecutive Committee meetings, he/she shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee.

General Meetings

The Committee shall call an AGM within 15 months of the previous one and give at least 28 days notice thereof which shall be sent via email to members of the Group together with an agenda of business which shall include, but may not be confined to adoption of the report by the Chairman (or his representative) of the activities of the Group during the previous year and adoption of the Treasurer's Report and accounts for the previous financial year.

At any General Meeting, ten members shall form a quorum. If, at the time appointed, a quorum is not present the meeting may proceed with the business subject to confirmation when a quorum is formed. If vital matters are to be decided, and no quorum is present, then no decision can, or should be taken. Voting at General Meetings shall be by a show of hands and each Member shall have one vote. The Chairman shall have a casting vote.

The committee shall request nominations for committee members and suggestions for agenda items at least 42 days before the AGM being 14 days before the official notification of the meeting. Agenda items to be included should be sent to the committee, proposed by one member and seconded by two others. The AGM cannot include items not included on the agenda.

The committee may however, as an alternative, choose to first of all seek nominations of committee members and items for the agenda by email. In the event of nominations or agenda items being received, the AGM shall go ahead as normal but in the event of no nominations or agenda items being received, the committee may, instead of calling an AGM, send the Chairman's Report and the Treasurer's Report to all members by email. In any event, a physical AGM must be held at least once every three years.

Election of Committee Members

Nominations for the Committee can be made by any member of the group with two seconders via email before the AGM.

Extraordinary General Meetings

An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called at any time by the Committee whenever it thinks fit or upon request of at least six members.

At least 28 days notice of an EGM shall be sent via email to members of the Group together with an agenda of business and any proposed resolution.

Variation of this Constitution

This constitution may be varied by a two-thirds majority of the members present at any general meeting.


If the Committee, at any time, decides by a two-thirds majority, that it is expedient or desirable that the Group shall be dissolved, the Chairman shall call an EGM of which not less than 28 days notice, via email, shall be given to each member, specifying the terms of any resolution to be proposed there at.

If at such EGM it is decided, by a two thirds majority of the members present, that the Group shall be dissolved, the unexpended funds and assets, after the satisfaction of all proper debts or liabilities, shall not be paid to or distributed amongst the members, but shall be given to such charitable body or bodies as the EGM may decide.