Dorchester — Nov 8th 2022

John Cadd showed us how he creates his website using GoDaddy which has a website builder as part of it web hosting service. John explained that he first started using the excellent Apple iWeb, which was released in 2006 but sadly withdrawn 2011 when he turned his hand to Adobe Dreamweaver, the definitive website builder at that time, but he needed professional help. Whilst the result was great, it had been costly which is why he turned to simpler solution designed for the non-expert. He showed how to set up a site on GoDaddy and how simple to place photos and text. GoDaddy includes links between pages and to external sites and offers efficient search options including the use of hidden text. So GoDaddy is a fast simple solution for the non-expert to set up a website, John’s looks very good.

David M gave a brief demonstration of Sparkle, which he had had recommended by Barry Guyer, and is a very user friendly website builder specifically for Mac, which you can use very much like a desktop publishing without any HTML knowledge. He showed the simple website he had built Sparkle is a very comprehensive package with various cost level options depending on requirements.

There was a brief discussion about Ventura and David asked Euan to demonstrate Stage Manager which is still not perfect and only works on iPads with M1/M2 chips.

Mick gave a talk about what actions you can take if you get the message”Your Hard Disc is Nearly Full” on your Mac. This included sensible housekeeping and eliminating redundant files, storing large files such as a big photo library on an external drive, better two copies on two external drives. He explained how to split a photo library keeping more recent photos on the Mac drive with older on external drives. You can replace the internal drive with a larger one or simply use an external SSD from which to run your Mac. Cloud storage is another good way to keep files off the Mac, DropBox gives you full control over which files are duplicated on the Mac and the cloud and those accessible from the cloud. Mick concluded that the ultimate solution is buy a new Mac!


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