Salisbury — Nov 29th 2022

This last meeting on the year was well attended with 13 regular members and 2 guests present. David Moon gave a full review of the many enhancements present in iOS 16 and showed examples of selecting in a photo the main image and removing it from the background, thus making it available for posting elsewhere. He also showed how Apple's use of artificial intelligence was able to accurately identify a plant from a photo. How to retrieve and modify an email or message, how to delay the sending of an email, and how to be reminded of an email that needed attention were also demonstrated.

Euan had a video excerpt of Stage Manager when working with Ventura and then gave further examples using his MacBook and Barry briefly showed the use of Stage Manager on his iPad.

Mick dealt with a problem raised by a member relating to the use of two personal distinct email addresses with the Mail app and examples of Brian Tapper's winning Poster, which can be easily modified to suit the needs of each of the Wessex groups, were displayed. A number of these will be printed on glossy paper for local distribution.


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