Salisbury — Aug 30th 2022
Eight members attended this meeting where Barry attempted to demonstrate how Mac-specific software (Sparkle) could be used to create a working website in an hour. Having spent several years and a good deal of funds trying out software oriented towards other operating systems, this programme has proved revelatory. Websites created with Sparkle were shown "live"on the internet, but the attempt to make a copy of some pages of one of the sites (the original requiring 2000 lines of coding) was only partially successful. The constraints of working on a laptop as opposed to an iMac were obvious, as the ability to simultaneously see both the program and the resultant website view was not possible.
The mood of the meeting was lightened when Mick showed a video of a play fight between three dogs, one of whom was a puppy, demonstrating that enthusiasm was seriously outclassed by lack of weight and experience.
Other matters discussed included the impact that switching off one's iPhone might have on the battery performance of a cellular watch; whether the compass on the newer watches was less affected by metallic straps than older models; and the permanence or otherwise of maintaining passwords for wi-fi networks on older models of equipment.