Fareham — Sep 9th 2017
We had a very interesting presentation titled 'Twiddling Type', given by Euan from Dorchester.
He started by emphasizing that when a page or poster had been created using good style and appearance, it should not be distracting to the person reading it in any way. Euan then covered the development of type, page design and printing and their interaction.
Next, he showed us how to adjust type spacing within Apple's 'Pages' application using leading and kerning, and also talked about some of the fonts used.
He introduced some more advanced but accessible typographic concepts and the adjustment of type in logotypes.
Finally he discussed traditional and modern printing methods, and their technical impact upon typeface design and page layout.
We had a brief Q&A session at the end, mainly covering topics from Euan's talk.
The next meeting will be on Saturday 14th October starting as usual at 10.30am.
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