Fareham — Jan 14th 2017
John gave us a talk about Siri.
Siri has been available on iOS since 2011, but only recently on the Mac starting with Sierra. The demonstrations, mainly from his iPad, were all saved off-line in advance, since Siri is blocked at this venue.
John started by explaining what Siri is, and how to configure the voice, male or female, and showed the vast range of languages and dialects available for it. Next, he demonstrated how you can interact with Siri, either for doing calculations, or to find out information, or just to have a conversation! Siri can also carry out functions on your device, such as turning up the brightness or volume, or typing and sending an email using your voice to dictate it, or similarly just typing and saving a note. He then explained and illustrated how Siri works, sending data to and from the Apple servers at incredible speed.
Finally, he showed us a video of an Apple advert shown back in 1987, which predicted how you would be able to interact with a display device in the future. The concept equipment was called the 'Knowledge Navigator', and was almost certainly a draft design for the iPad of today.
The Q&A session was more localised this time and allowed individual discussion between members.
The next meeting will be on Saturday 11th February, starting as usual at 10.30am, and for this occasion only will be held in the previous room (classroom E2).
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