Beaminster — Apr 5th 2016

There was a good attendance (15 people, including two new members) to hear Michael show some of the options for both Mac and iOS that can be changed using System Preferences and Settings respectively. The first thing was how to find these means of altering the way things work, and as always, particularly on the Mac there was more than one route that could be taken to do this. Having established this, Michael went on to show things that members might like to do – in OS X, customising keyboard and mouse – and here he showed how the Preference altered to suit two different types of mouse – while in the Keyboard preference he showed different keyboard layouts that are available, both d=for Roman characters and for other alphabets. A quick demonstration of the Apple selection of sounds to accompany actions, and then Hot Corners, where simply moving the cursor to a corner of the screen creates an action such as opening Mission Control or the Screensaver. After that a look at Security settings and how to stop Notifications nagging by using Do Not Disturb.

For the iPad and iPhone Lower Power Mode was explained (though it is only on the iPhone at the present), how to change the 4-digit Passcode to something more complex,, how to mute Siri, useful in public areas,the new Preference Night Shift designed to help us to sleep better after poring over our screens at bedtime, and finally iCloud Drive, giving the ability to switch documents seamlessly from iOS to MacOS, ideal for those of us who work away from home .


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