Salisbury — Feb 23rd 2016
First up was the usual Q&A.
Brian started off with a look at some items in System Preferences, Desktop and Screen Saver, The Dock, Keyboard, User groups, Sharing and BlueTooth, Security, this included a long discussion regarding passwords and security, we had some suggestions on apps for protecting and remembering your passwords.
After a break for Coffee, Mick gave an interesting presentation on getting the best from Safari on the iPad including, where to find the Safari preferences and customising what you want to switch on or off, searching for a particular site, showing the Favourites Bar, Tab bar, Do Not Track and how to remove items in the Tabs bar, where to enter what you are looking for and what not to do.
A good turnout despite the ongoing roadworks in the Southampton Road, we did produce a map showing another route out after the meeting but this was not needed, things were OK, the road works had moved farther along the A36
Next meeting 29th March 2016 at Tesco Extra Store Southampton Road Salisbury in the Community Space. 7:30 - 9:30 pm
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