Fareham — Oct 10th 2015
John demonstrated some of the features just released in iOS 9.
There were three main changes, and he used a downloaded You Tube video to demonstrate these as they were not designed to run on his version of iPad.
The three features, namely Picture in Picture, Slideover and Split Screen Multitasking are likely to be more beneficial on the soon-to-be released iPad Pro.
John showed us some of the many minor improvements such as Spotlight, Settings Search, Notes, Keyboard editing functions and Task switcher.
Finally, he showed us an Apple video introducing the new big iPad Pro, due out in a few weeks' time.
After the coffee break, Jeanette showed us how to construct a website using a standard template from weebly.com.
She showed us how to include a Google map to show people where you are situated, also how to add a contact form for any feedback.
However she couldn't demonstrate everything, such as uploading images and running videos, due to the WIFI limitations and restrictions at the school.
Jeanette has already set up several websites and blogs, and the cost is completely free so long as you don't mind 'Weebly' as part of your domain.
The procedure using Weebly seemed very easy, and the talk was well received.
There was a brief Q&A session including speed differences between WIFI and Ethernet, and Sky routers.
The next meeting will be on Saturday 14th November at 10.30am as usual, and we'll be having a presentation about the Apple watch.
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