Salisbury — Jul 28th 2015

Salisbury section meeting 28th July 2015, at Tesco Extra, Southampton Road Salisbury, Community Space.

9 members and one guest attending.

First up was a Q&A with questions on passwords, removing pop-up adds.

Our first item was a follow up from last months presentation on newsletters by Mick, Mark Brandon showed us some of the very professional newsletters he produces using Pages, he designs several editions for a local wine appreciation group with the title “SWIG”, he also showed a few posters an fliers, he pointed out that if you need linked text boxes then you need to hang onto the old version 09 of Pages. he also pointed out that it may cause you trouble if you use photos from the internet without permission.

After a break for a coffee and general chat, Brian gave a presentation regarding poster design also using Pages, describing the essential parts that should be on the poster and some hand drawn lettering.

Next meeting 25th August 7:30 to 9:30 pm at, Tesco Extra, Southampton Road, Salisbury, Community Space.


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