Salisbury — Jun 30th 2015
14 members and 1 guest
Quite a successful first full meeting at our new venue, Tesco Community Space.
First up was Brian’s presentation explaining the rules regarding the use of the
Tesco Community Space.
Mick then gave us an introduction to Newsletters using Pages, including layout, font sizes, columns, styles for headlines and body text, then selecting colours for the fonts and importing pictures and re-sizing. He also showed us how to make sure the column text can be made
to line up.
After a break for coffee, there was our usual Q&A session, questions included were, how to remove unwanted e-mail addresses and where to find the OS version Mavericks?.
After the showing of a short animated cartoon and a movie of very smokey 34067 Tangmere steam loco and general chat the meeting closed.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 28th July 7:30 - 9:30pm at the Tesco Extra Community Space Southampton Road Salisbury.
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