Beaminster — Mar 3rd 2015
Fifteen people were at Beaminster to hear Mick explain very clearly the functions and differences between iCloud and iCloud Drive – the first actively synchronises items in Apple applications such as Contacts and iCal and Mail between all your Apple devices, while the latter acts as storage for any file that you wish to store off of your Apple kit. There were quite a few questions about these which Mick was able to clear up – and it was very good of him to make the journey suffering as he was the effects of an unpleasant cold. Following Mick Robin showed how easy it was to transfer photos from an iMac/MacBook using iPhoto, and burning to a DVD, And lastly Michael looked at drives that would provide your own personal Cloud and which can be used to move photos from iPads and iPhones onto the bigger capacity of a hard drive and at the same time freeing up the more limited storage on the mobile devices. One thing was made clear too – it isn’t possible to burn a CD or DVD of photos direct from an iPad – it needs a Mac (or other computer) and failing that the services of a friendly WAMUG member!