Beaminster — Feb 3rd 2015
There was a good attendance (16, including a very welcome visitor from Fareham - John Hooper, a fellow meeting Organiser) to hear Michael go through the basics of creating a Newsy letter and a News Letter using Pages.
for a few friends
The difference between the two was that the Newsy Letter is designed to be sent to a friend, and the News Letter is a more formal document aimed at a group of people, maybe a club or with a common interest. So the first was shown using the Word Processor part of Pages because it would be mainly text with added graphics such as photographs, while the second was done in Page Layout. In the latter text can only be within Text Boxes, but text can flow from one box to another regardless of which page it might be on.
Michael also showed some of the effects that can be used with graphics (and to some extent with Text Boxes) by the addition of various types of outline, frames and shadows - and even a reflection. He also showed how to change the size of shapes such as a square or circle or a triangle without distorting them. Finally he opened a copy of a real newsletter to give a better idea of what a finished article can look like. It can be a very simple process to make up either of these types of document, or as complicated as one cares to make it. And there are a good number of templates in Pages that can be used as a basis for a newsletter
After a welcome break for coffee the meeting broke up into small groups. Finally the results of members efforts to produce a short piece of music following the demonstration of Garageband by John were heard. Both of them. And both by Robin. The members then voted for the best one and Robin was awarded the prize - a 32GB memory stick!
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