Dorchester — Sep 8th 2015

Mick introduced us to Accountz, a simple user-friendly accounting program. Accountz comes in two forms: Personal and Business. Mick demonstrated the Personal version which offers a better and easier way of tracking one’s accounts compared to messing about with spreadsheets. Mick’s demonstration included Money Accounts (i.e. Bank Accounts and Credit Cards showing the state of one’s financial balances) and Income and Expenditure accounts (showing where the money is coming from and being spent on).

An entry in one account automatically updates the other, e.g. £30 spent buying petrol on credit card A will automatically update the Car Running cost account and Credit Card A’s balance. Accounts can be grouped: one can list petrol, servicing and MOT separately but grouped under one heading 'Car Running Costs’. Regular receipts and payments can be set to update automatically and can include other payments and receipts yet to be transacted, enabling cash flow forecasts. The program can include investments and budgets. Because so many of his U3A students had decided to purchase the App after his demonstration, Mick managed to negotiate a discount with which extends to WAMUG members. The discount code is available to members from Mick or David.

Despite using MS Word for the best part of twenty years David admitted that he had never used styles and had been impressed by MIck’s use of styles in his talk on setting up a typical newsletter. David showed the use of styles in both Pages and MS Word. We also looked at Templates and how to set these up in Pages. With Mick’s help, David showed how to save a Template set up in Pages to iCloud. On opening the Template on an IOS device you are asked if you want to add the Template to the Pages Template Chooser on that device. As David had failed to make it work earlier, Mick showed how to use access to the iCloud Drive through a browser to check which device was failing to link. David P had found some inconsistencies in his Contacts between devices, so by comparing what was showing in Contacts on his Mac and on iCloud as seen via the Browser, Mick showed that it is quite simple to locate the errors.

David ended the evening with a very brief run through of Apple Music including how to cancel one’s subscription after taking advantage of the three months free trial!


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