Beaminster — Oct 8th 2014

Despite a Wednesday meeting being an unusual night for the Beaminster meeting, there was a respectable turnout to hear Michael Corgan showing ways of adding, altering and sharing photographs using the iPad. He first went through adding photos using Apple and non-Apple connection kits which will either connect to the camera or with an SD card. As alternatives photos can be added via iTunes on a Mac, or (in iOS7 at least) using Photostream, and of course the simplest way – just take the photos with your iPad! Next he gave a very brief revue of three apps – Photos on the iPhone and iPad, iPhoto, which has now been removed from iOS8, and Photoshop Express. All are free, and have varying functions to permit enhancing and cropping photos. There was a long list of these and a chart showing which does what was handed out. Lastly sharing the photos was also discussed and as with the alteration functions the apps discussed had a varying range of connections to social media. Another list of these was provided. iPhoto proved to be the best application in many respects as in addition to the sharing and alteration functions it was possible to use it to create a Web Journal or a Photobook or order prints. These last two are via Apple.

Following a coffee/tea break the meeting split into small groups as is usual at Beaminster, with new people being helped with whatever problems they had brought with them while the more experienced were able to talk on other Apple matters A good evening, all in all.


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